Thin Film Deposition
ID: AGC20.001.01
Terfenol-D, an intermetallic compound of Fe-Tb-Dy, is a well-known magnetoelastic material. It plays a key role in both direct and converse multiferroic applications due to its strong coupling between magnetization and strain. In comparison with bulk Terfenol-D, thin film Terfenol-D has distinctive advantages such as CMOS compatible fabrication process, improved ductility, moderately hard magnetic properties, etc.
Acoustic devices (e.g. sonar and speakers)
Micro magnetorhelogical fluid control
Inductive charging
Energy harvesting
CMOS integration
Deposition Thickness: between 50 to 200 nm
Compatible Substrates requirements:
Material: Si, Sapphire and PMN-PT
Maximum Substrate size: 4” in diameter
Maximum Substrate thickness: 500um